Dr. Diet provides the foundation for well-being, helps you bring energy and resources into the body and therefore is considered one of the Yin physicians alongside Dr. Quiet.

food + drink

Food and drink dramatically affect our energy levels and our biochemistry which in turn influences our emotions and our mental reality. At Bodyguards, we’ve seen over and over again that when the diet is deficient, there just isn’t enough energy or clarity of mind to initiate and sustain the changes needed for self-healing, fat loss or high-performance levels of fitness.

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As you’ll soon see, surprisingly, Dr. Diet won’t necessarily guide everyone to eat the same foods. In fact, the kinds of foods and the proportions of those foods that are right for you may vary quite radically from your friends and loved ones. Dr. Diet gives you the information you need to make the right nutritional choices for your body. Dr. Diet is the chief source of your acquired energy and in many ways the most fundamental of your panel of physicians.

Dr. Diet governs the energy you’ll have for change. Your other doctors may ask you to make changes, but without being able to hear the voice of Dr. Diet, you likely won’t have the energy to make them!


The most common way that Dr. Diet communicates with us is through the activity of our metabolism. Many of the foods we eat today do more to disrupt the body’s normal metabolism than to support it. For example, only 100 years ago, your liver only had to mop up the residues of natural food items in your blood. Today, your poor liver is so busy trying to protect you from chemical additives, colourings, prescription drugs and other non-food molecules that it gets overloaded in a hurry. That’s just one of the possible sources of excessive stress on your metabolism and digestive system

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When your eating habits aren’t supporting your body-mind, Dr. Diet will speak to you through one or more of the following symptoms:

When Dr. Diet is talking to you through these symptoms, remember that there are four keys to successfully maximizing your doctor’s guidance:

A brown paper bag full of vegetables with the slogan: “Hungry for change”

These basics will go a LONG way towards fuelling your body-mind, clearing up your challenges and increasing overall vitality and vibrant health.

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