At BodyGuards we are constantly building our network of fellow health practitioners and have a range of partners from life coaches, physiotherapists, nutritionists, naturopaths, sports injury specialists, running experts/coaches, massage therapists to chiropractors.
Whitley Bay Chiropractic
Recommended chiropractor
We've been working with Tom Feeney at Whitley Bay Chiropractic for several years now and Tom runs a clinic from Bodyguards Gym, every Friday afternoon, for those clients who struggle to get to Whitley Bay. An experienced Chiropractor and sought after Active Release Technique Therapist, Tom has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to specific sports injuries associated with the spine, hips, shoulders or near enough every joint in the body
Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic
Recommended physiotherapists
Bodyguards and the Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic have had a close relationship for over 20 years now and regularly confer with each other to help our mutual clients get back to full health and be injury-free once again. Karen and her team are highly experienced and offer a wide selection of therapy and rehab techniques to promote healing, rehabilitation and a smooth path back to optimal performance. They are very professional and highly recommended.
Recommended physiotherapists
Based in High Heaton, close to Bodyguards, Physio+ are a competent team of Physiotherapists and health practitioners that we regularly refer injured clients to in order to accelerate their recovery from specific injuries. Reciprocally, the Physio+ team refer clients to us so we can take previously injured clients to new levels of health & fitness. Very knowledgeable and friendly, we wouldn't hesitate to recommend Physio+ if you want to accelerate your rehabilitation from injury.
Recommended physiotherapists
Based in Jesmond, just up the road from Bodyguards, Physiohaus offer a wide variety of services including physiotherapy, sports therapy and even a bike fit service for the serious cyclist. All of their team are well experienced and have worked with athletes from many different sports to help with recovery from sports injuries and improve pain free performance
Rumana Health
Recommended Naturopath
Rumana Zahn is the only Naturopathic Doctor in Newcastle and runs a clinic which focusses on helping individuals regain their health and well-being through natural based treatments. Rumana is super knowledgeable and a great practitioner to work with due to her nurturing and understanding personality. She has worked with us in the past to help provide health talks and health days to interested clients, sharing her knowledge and experience and never dissappoints